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How often should appraisals be undertaken?

How often should appraisals be undertaken?

There is no set time frame or frequency for conducting appraisals. Most employers use 12 monthly appraisals, but other employers find that these are more effective when conducted more frequently, for example every 6 or 3 months.

It is important to set manageable expectations for how often you conduct appraisals, if you determine that appraisals should take place on a 3 monthly basis then this is what should happen; if in reality this is not achievable then it would be much better to set a time frame of once every 12 months.

Regardless of how often appraisals are conducted, it is important to bear in mind that regular appraisals are only one part of the performance management process. In particular if appraisals are conducted on a 12 monthly basis you should make sure you have a mechanism to discuss performance issues as they arise, such as regular team or one to one meetings, as appropriate.