It is still important to plan and prepare for an appraisal. This could include reviewing training records, feedback forms/verbal feedback, and any other criteria used within your school to measure performance. It is also useful to have an understanding of the overall performance of the team the employee being appraised works in, in order to be able to discuss how the employee’s performance impacts on the team’s success as a whole.
Planning before an appraisal will enable the appraiser to go in with feedback on their expectations and standards, be able to suggest areas for improvement, and provide the employee with an effective appraisal meeting.
Appraisers in the school sector should remember that, with the exception of those who are qualified teachers by virtue of holding and maintaining Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) status, all teachers must be assessed against the set of standards contained in the document called “Teachers’ Standards” published in July 2011. The Teachers’ Standards define the minimum level of practice for trainees and teachers to achieve qualified teacher status. For teachers who are qualified teachers by virtue of holding QTLS status, it is for the governance board or headteacher to decide which standards are most appropriate.
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