The basic principle of consultation is that it is approached with an open-mind and without any final decisions made regarding the redundancies. If trade unions can show that the School had already decided to proceed with the redundancies before consultation, this will almost certainly render any subsequent consultation process a sham. The duty to consult in a collective consultation situation generally arises much earlier than in a “standard” redundancy- the obligation arises at the point of the “proposal” to dismiss.
Whilst Schools will almost always inform and consult with recognised trade unions (and therefore not need to go through the process of electing appropriate representatives), most UK employers outside of the education sector, are not familiar with arranging representative elections, and many are therefore not sure where to start. Employers have some discretion over employee representative elections (such as how many representatives are required), but there are a number of strict rules and overriding principles which they must follow.
Some of the information required to be provided by section 188 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 is basic, such as the total number of the proposed redundancies and the specific roles which are at risk.
However, not all of the information is obvious by any stretch – for example, Schools must provide details of their use of agency workers anywhere in the business. Although this may seem unimportant, a failure to provide this information is technically a breach of collective consultation obligations.
Collective consultation creates an extra layer of protection for employees; it does not remove their existing protection against unfair dismissal. Schools must still therefore consult with individual employees who remain at risk of redundancy following collective consultation, or risk unfair dismissal claims on the basis that they have not followed a fair procedure.
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